Affordable Care Act Lead Generation
Earn commissions by generating leads for Affordable Care Act plans!
Maximize your street team’s earning potential by partnering with CS Agency, a leader in driving sales success. With a proven track record of empowering teams to thrive, we offer significant sales commissions that can take your team’s earnings to the next level. Our clear milestones and structured support create an environment where every effort translates into tangible rewards, making it easy to see results quickly.
As the distributor, your street team could tap into lucrative commissions by generating leads for Affordable Care Act (ACA) plans. Not only will you earn commission, but you also will help connect individuals with essential healthcare coverage.
CS Agency is expanding our team and looking for motivated teams passionate about helping others secure healthcare coverage!
Engaging directly with customers about no-cost insurance could be your easiest way to earn sales incentives without needing to be an insurance agent
- No selling required
- No insurance experience is required
- 6 minute total customer engagement on average
- Works great as a stand-alone campaign, or as an add-on campaign for street teams, D2D agents, event sales etc.
Do you engage with customers 18-65 years old that can answer these questions like this?
- Do you have marketplace insurance or receive health insurance subsidized by the government?
- Do you currently have Medicaid? No
- Do you currently have Medicare? No
- Do you currently have VA or Tricare? No
- Do you currently receive medical insurance from your employer? No
- If you currently receive medical insurance from your employer, do you plan on losing coverage in the next 30 days? Yes
- Do you make it at least? Yes
$18,000/year in: (FL; GA*; KS; MS; OK; SC; TN; TX & WI)
$21,000/year in: (AL; AZ; AK; IL; IN; IA; KY*; LA; MI; MO; NJ*; NC; OH; PA*; VA* & WV)
* ID Required - Do you plan on filing your taxes in 2024? Yes
- Do you have legal documentation or status to reside in the United States? Yes
If so, you can earn commissions!
Covered States for ACA Program
- Wisconsin
- Missouri
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Ohio
- Kentucky
- Tennessee
- Arkansas
- Mississippi
- Alabama
- Georgia
- Florida
- South Carolina
- North Carolina
- Louisiana
- Texas
- Oklahoma
- Kansas
- Nebraska
- Arizona
- Pennsylvania